MSF for Agile Software Development Visual Studio 2005 Team System logo


About Cycles
Check In
Daily Build
Accepted Build
As Needed

Workstreams used in 'Check In' (Cycles)



Activities used


Activities not used

Fix a Bug


Reproduce the Bug
Create or Update a Unit Test
Locate the Cause of a Bug
Reassign a Bug
Decide on a Bug Fix Strategy
Code the Fix for a Bug
Perform a Unit Test
Refactor Code
Review Code
Integrate Code Changes

Implement a Development Task


Cost a Development Task
Create or Update a Unit Test
Write Code for a Development Task
Perform Code Analysis
Perform a Unit Test
Refactor Code
Review Code
Integrate Code Changes

Implement a Database Development Task

Database Developer

Cost a Database Development Task
Update Local Project Environment
Write Code for a Database Development Task
Perform a Database Unit Test
Refactor Database Code
Review Database Code
Integrate Database Code Changes

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version 4.1.0