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Implement a Database Development Task

Database Developer

Participating Roles


Database Developer


Entry Criteria

  • The database project is created.
  • The database development task is created from a requirement work item.



Cost a Database Development Task

  • Review assigned task.
  • Refine the task.
  • Estimate based on experience.
  • Balance load. 
  • Define the integration points.


Update Local Project Environment

  • Synchronize database project from source code control to desired version.
  • Determine sandbox server.
  • Build database project.
  • Deploy database project to sandbox server.


Write Code for a Database Development Task

  • Implement new or update existing schema objects.
  • Build database project.
  • Deploy database project to sandbox server.


Perform a Database Unit Test

  • Identify database unit test scope.
  • Create or update associated data generation plan.
  • Write or update a database unit test.
  • Perform the database unit test.
  • Analyze test results.
  • Debug code.
  • Perform application unit tests.


Refactor Database Code

  • Identify complexity.
  • Apply refactoring.
  • Build database project.
  • Deploy database project to sandbox server.
  • Perform database unit tests.


Review Database Code

  • Verify name correctness.
  • Verify code relevance.
  • Verify minimum code complexity.
  • Fix review changes.
  • Build database project.
  • Deploy database project to sandbox server.
  • Perform database unit tests.


Integrate Database Code Changes

  • Check dependencies.
  • Build database project.
  • Deploy database project to sandbox server.
  • Test and integrate with other database development tasks.
  • Check in set of changes.
  • Resolve work item.

Exit Criteria

The functionality described in the database development task is fully implemented.

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Version 4.1.0