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Update Local Project Environment

Participating Roles


Database Developer


Entry Criteria

  • The database project environment is established.



Synchronize Database Project From Source Code Control to Desired Version

  • Identify the appropriate version of the database project to be synchronized.
  • Synchronize the database project to this desired version from the source control system.


Determine Sandbox Server

  • You must identify which database server will serve as your sandbox server.
  • You can choose to use a local instance of SQL Server on your computer as the sandbox server. This will allow you to iteratively deploy database changes to an isolated environment only used by yourself.
  • You can alternatively choose to use a shared computer running SQL Server as your sandbox server, but with a database unique to you on that server. This allows you to use a shared server, while still having an isolated environment for testing your database changes separate from other database developers.
  • Either configuration is appropriate as long as the chosen sandbox database is unique to you and not shared by other database developers.


Build Database Project

  • Ensure database project build settings are appropriately configured to target your sandbox server.
  • Build the database project.
  • Review and fix any build errors identified.


Deploy Database Project to Sandbox Server

  • Deploy database project to sandbox server.
  • Ensure deployment is successful by browsing deployed database.

Exit Criteria

The database for the project is established.

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version 4.1.0