MSF for Agile Software Development Visual Studio 2005 Team System logo


Integrate Database Code Changes

Participating Roles


Database Developer


Entry Criteria

  • The database code is reviewed, fixed, deployed to the local server, and unit tested.



Check Dependencies

  • If the task depends on any other tasks that have not been checked in, wait until those development tasks have been integrated.
  • If the development task is mutually dependent on another, shelve one of the tasks and retrieve it on the same computer as the other task. Handle the two tasks as a single development task but check in the work against both tasks.
  • Synchronize with the latest versions of the code for the area in which the code changed.


Build Database Project

  • Build the database project.
  • Review and fix any build errors identified.


Deploy Database Project to Sandbox Server

  • Deploy database project to sandbox server.
  • Ensure deployment is successful by browsing deployed database.


Test and Integrate With Other Database Development Tasks

  • Test to be sure the fix for the bug or the part of the scenario or quality of service requirement works with related changes already integrated.
  • Run the database unit tests to be sure that the set of changes is compatible with those already integrated.
  • Run the application unit tests to ensure that the integrated changes have not caused any regressions in the application tier.
  • Debug the integration if necessary and run unit tests.


Check In Set of Changes

  • Check in the code changes and the unit tests with the bug or development task. Associate the shelveset with the work item if it is only partially fixed or completed. Otherwise, resolve the bug or development task. This creates a new changeset linked to the work item.
  • Set the next build number in the "integrated in" field for a bug or development task. If you are working in a continuous integration environment, using the next build number will not work in some scenarios. Add the build number after the build is done. If you are in a weekly build environment, use the next build number. Revise the build number only if the weekly build fails.


Resolve Work Item

  • Set the associated work item to Resolved and assign the scenario to one of the testers who created the test cases for the work item. Reassign the tester as the new task work item owner.

Exit Criteria

The functionality described in the database development task is fully implemented.

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version 4.1.0