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SoundManager 2: Javascript Sound for the Web


Copyright © 2007, Scott Schiller. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/license.txt

Flash 9 / ActionScript 3 version

package {

  import flash.external.*;
  import flash.events.*;
  import flash.media.Sound;
  import flash.media.SoundChannel;
  import flash.media.SoundLoaderContext;
  import flash.media.SoundTransform;
  import flash.media.SoundMixer;
  import flash.net.URLRequest;
  import flash.utils.ByteArray;
  import flash.utils.getTimer;
  import flash.net.NetConnection;
  import flash.net.NetStream;

  public class SoundManager2_SMSound_AS3 extends Sound {

    public var sm: SoundManager2_AS3 = null;

externalInterface references (for Javascript callbacks)

    public var baseJSController: String = "soundManager";
    public var baseJSObject: String = baseJSController + ".sounds";
    public var soundChannel: SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    public var urlRequest: URLRequest;
    public var soundLoaderContext: SoundLoaderContext;
    public var waveformData: ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    public var waveformDataArray: Array = [];
    public var eqData: ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    public var eqDataArray: Array = [];
    public var usePeakData: Boolean = false;
    public var useWaveformData: Boolean = false;
    public var useEQData: Boolean = false;
    public var sID: String;
    public var sURL: String;
    public var didFinish: Boolean;
    public var loaded: Boolean;
    public var connected: Boolean;
    public var failed: Boolean;
    public var paused: Boolean;
    public var finished: Boolean;
    public var duration: Number;
    public var handledDataError: Boolean = false;
    public var ignoreDataError: Boolean = false;
    public var autoPlay: Boolean = false;
    public var autoLoad: Boolean = false;
    public var pauseOnBufferFull: Boolean = false; // only applies to RTMP
    public var loops: Number = 1;
    public var lastValues: Object = {
      bytes: 0,
      position: 0,
      duration: 0,
      volume: 100,
      pan: 0,
      loops: 1,
      leftPeak: 0,
      rightPeak: 0,
      waveformDataArray: null,
      eqDataArray: null,
      isBuffering: null,
      bufferLength: 0
    public var didLoad: Boolean = false;
    public var useEvents: Boolean = false;
    public var sound: Sound = new Sound();

    public var cc: Object;
    public var nc: NetConnection;
    public var ns: NetStream = null;
    public var st: SoundTransform;
    public var useNetstream: Boolean;
    public var bufferTime: Number = 3; // previously 0.1
    public var lastNetStatus: String = null;
    public var serverUrl: String = null;

    public var checkPolicyFile:Boolean = false;

    public function SoundManager2_SMSound_AS3(oSoundManager: SoundManager2_AS3, sIDArg: String = null, sURLArg: String = null, usePeakData: Boolean = false, useWaveformData: Boolean = false, useEQData: Boolean = false, useNetstreamArg: Boolean = false, netStreamBufferTime: Number = 1, serverUrl: String = null, duration: Number = 0, autoPlay: Boolean = false, useEvents: Boolean = false, autoLoad: Boolean = false, checkPolicyFile: Boolean = false) {
      this.sm = oSoundManager;
      this.sID = sIDArg;
      this.sURL = sURLArg;
      this.usePeakData = usePeakData;
      this.useWaveformData = useWaveformData;
      this.useEQData = useEQData;
      this.urlRequest = new URLRequest(sURLArg);
      this.didFinish = false;
      this.loaded = false;
      this.connected = false;
      this.failed = false;
      this.finished = false;
      this.soundChannel = null;
      this.lastNetStatus = null;
      this.useNetstream = useNetstreamArg;
      this.serverUrl = serverUrl;
      this.duration = duration;
      this.useEvents = useEvents;
      this.autoLoad = autoLoad;
      if (netStreamBufferTime) {
        this.bufferTime = netStreamBufferTime;
      this.checkPolicyFile = checkPolicyFile;

      writeDebug('SoundManager2_SMSound_AS3: Got duration: '+duration+', autoPlay: '+autoPlay);

      if (this.useNetstream) {

Pause on buffer full if auto-loading an RTMP stream

        if (this.serverUrl && this.autoLoad) {
          this.pauseOnBufferFull = true;

        this.cc = new Object();
        this.nc = new NetConnection();

Handle FMS bandwidth check callback. @see onBWDone @see http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashmediaserver/articles/dynamicstreamswitching_04.html @see http://www.johncblandii.com/index.php/2007/12/fms-a-quick-fix-for-missing-onbwdone-onfcsubscribe-etc.html

        this.nc.client = this;

TODO: security/IO error handling this.nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, doSecurityError);

        nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

        if (this.serverUrl != null) {
          writeDebug('SoundManager2_SMSound_AS3: NetConnection: connecting to server ' + this.serverUrl + '...');
      } else {
        this.connected = true;


    public function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {

      if (this.useEvents) {
        writeDebug('netStatusHandler: '+event.info.code);

      switch (event.info.code) {

        case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
          writeDebug('NetConnection: connected');
          try {
            this.ns = new NetStream(this.nc);
            this.ns.checkPolicyFile = this.checkPolicyFile;

bufferTime reference: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/net/NetStream.html#bufferTime

            this.ns.bufferTime = this.bufferTime; // set to 0.1 or higher. 0 is reported to cause playback issues with static files.
            this.st = new SoundTransform();
            this.cc.onMetaData = this.metaDataHandler;
            this.ns.client = this.cc;
            this.connected = true;
            if (this.useEvents) {
              writeDebug('firing _onconnect for '+this.sID);
              ExternalInterface.call(this.sm.baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onconnect", 1);
          } catch(e: Error) {
            this.failed = true;
            writeDebug('netStream error: ' + e.toString());
            ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onfailure", 'Connection failed!', event.info.level, event.info.code);

        case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":
          this.failed = true;
          writeDebug("NetConnection: Stream not found!");
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onfailure", 'Stream not found!', event.info.level, event.info.code);

This is triggered when the sound loses the connection with the server. In some cases one could just try to reconnect to the server and resume playback. However for streams protected by expiring tokens, I don’t think that will work.

Flash says that this is not an error code, but a status code… should this call the onFailure handler?

        case "NetConnection.Connect.Closed":
          this.failed = true;
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onfailure", 'Connection closed!', event.info.level, event.info.code);
          writeDebug("NetConnection: Connection closed!");

Couldn’t establish a connection with the server. Attempts to connect to the server can also fail if the permissible number of socket connections on either the client or the server computer is at its limit. This also happens when the internet connection is lost.

        case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed":
          this.failed = true;
          writeDebug("NetConnection: Connection failed! Lost internet connection? Try again... Description: " + event.info.description);
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onfailure", 'Connection failed!', event.info.level, event.info.code);

A change has occurred to the network status. This could mean that the network connection is back, or it could mean that it has been lost…just try to resume playback.

KJV: Can’t use this yet because by the time you get your connection back the song has reached it’s maximum retries, so it doesn’t retry again. We need a new ondisconnect handler. case “NetConnection.Connect.NetworkChange”: this.failed = true; writeDebug(“NetConnection: Network connection status changed”); ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + “[‘” + this.sID + “’].onfailure”, ‘Reconnecting…’); break;

Consider everything else a failure…

          this.failed = true;
          writeDebug("NetConnection: got unhandled code '" + event.info.code + "'! Description: " + event.info.description);
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onfailure", '', event.info.level, event.info.code);


    public function writeDebug (s: String, bTimestamp: Boolean = false) : Boolean {
      return this.sm.writeDebug (s, bTimestamp); // defined in main SM object

    public function metaDataHandler(infoObject: Object) : void {
      if (sm.debugEnabled) {
        var data:String = new String();
        for (var prop:* in infoObject) {
          data += prop+': '+infoObject[prop]+' \n';
        writeDebug('Metadata: '+data);
      this.duration = infoObject.duration * 1000;
      if (!this.loaded) {

writeDebug(‘not loaded yet: ’+this.ns.bytesLoaded+‘, ’+this.ns.bytesTotal+‘, ’+infoObject.duration1000); TODO: investigate loaded/total values ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + “[‘” + this.sID + “’]._whileloading”, this.ns.bytesLoaded, this.ns.bytesTotal, infoObject.duration1000);

        ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._whileloading", this.bytesLoaded, this.bytesTotal, (infoObject.duration || this.duration))

null this out for the duration of this object’s existence. it may be called multiple times.

      this.cc.onMetaData = function(infoObject: Object) : void {}


    public function getWaveformData() : void {


      SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(this.waveformData, false, 0); // sample wave data at 44.1 KHz
      this.waveformDataArray = [];
      for (var i: int = 0, j: int = this.waveformData.length / 4; i < j; i++) { // get all 512 values (256 per channel)
        this.waveformDataArray.push(int(this.waveformData.readFloat() * 1000) / 1000);

    public function getEQData() : void {


      SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(this.eqData, true, 0); // sample EQ data at 44.1 KHz
      this.eqDataArray = [];
      for (var i: int = 0, j: int = this.eqData.length / 4; i < j; i++) { // get all 512 values (256 per channel)
        this.eqDataArray.push(int(this.eqData.readFloat() * 1000) / 1000);

    public function start(nMsecOffset: int, nLoops: int) : void {
      this.useEvents = true;
      if (this.useNetstream) {

        writeDebug("SMSound::start nMsecOffset "+ nMsecOffset+ ' nLoops '+nLoops + ' current bufferTime '+this.ns.bufferTime+' current bufferLength '+this.ns.bufferLength+ ' this.lastValues.position '+this.lastValues.position);

        this.cc.onMetaData = this.metaDataHandler;

Don’t seek if we don’t have to because it destroys the buffer

        var set_position:Boolean = this.lastValues.position != null && this.lastValues.position != nMsecOffset;
        if (set_position) {

Minimize the buffer so playback starts ASAP

          this.ns.bufferTime = this.bufferTime;

        if (this.paused) {
          writeDebug('start: resuming from paused state');
          this.ns.resume(); // get the sound going again
          if (!this.didLoad) {
            this.didLoad = true;
          this.paused = false;
        } else if (!this.didLoad) {
          writeDebug('start: !didLoad - playing '+this.sURL);
          this.pauseOnBufferFull = false; // SAS: playing behaviour overrides buffering behaviour
          this.didLoad = true;
          this.paused = false;
        } else {

previously loaded, perhaps stopped/finished. play again?

          writeDebug('playing again (not paused, didLoad = true)');
          this.pauseOnBufferFull = false;

KJV seek after calling play otherwise some streams get a NetStream.Seek.Failed Should only apply to the !didLoad case, but do it for all for simplicity. nMsecOffset is in milliseconds for streams but in seconds for progressive download.

        if (set_position) {
          this.ns.seek(this.serverUrl ? nMsecOffset / 1000 : nMsecOffset);
          this.lastValues.position = nMsecOffset; // https://gist.github.com/1de8a3113cf33d0cff67

this.ns.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, _onfinish);


      } else {

writeDebug(‘start: seeking to ’+nMsecOffset+‘, ’+nLoops+(nLoops==1?‘ loop’:‘ loops’));

        this.soundChannel = this.play(nMsecOffset, nLoops);
        this.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, _onfinish);


    private function _onfinish() : void {
      this.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, _onfinish);

    public function loadSound(sURL: String) : void {
      if (this.useNetstream) {
        this.useEvents = true;
        if (this.didLoad != true) {
          this.ns.play(this.sURL); // load streams by playing them
          if (!this.autoPlay) {
            this.pauseOnBufferFull = true;
          this.paused = false;

this.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, _onfinish);

      } else {
        try {
          this.didLoad = true;
          this.urlRequest = new URLRequest(sURL);
          this.soundLoaderContext = new SoundLoaderContext(1000, this.checkPolicyFile); // check for policy (crossdomain.xml) file on remote domains - http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/media/SoundLoaderContext.html
          this.load(this.urlRequest, this.soundLoaderContext);
        } catch(e: Error) {
          writeDebug('error during loadSound(): ' + e.toString());

Set the value of autoPlay

    public function setAutoPlay(autoPlay: Boolean) : void {
      if (!this.serverUrl) {
        this.autoPlay = autoPlay;
      } else {
        this.autoPlay = autoPlay;
        if (this.autoPlay) {
          this.pauseOnBufferFull = false;
        } else if (!this.autoPlay) {
          this.pauseOnBufferFull = true;

    public function setVolume(nVolume: Number) : void {
      this.lastValues.volume = nVolume / 100;

    public function setPan(nPan: Number) : void {
      this.lastValues.pan = nPan / 100;

    public function applyTransform() : void {
      var st: SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(this.lastValues.volume, this.lastValues.pan);
      if (this.useNetstream) {
        if (this.ns) {
          this.ns.soundTransform = st;
        } else {

writeDebug(‘applyTransform(): Note: No active netStream’);

      } else if (this.soundChannel) {
        this.soundChannel.soundTransform = st; // new SoundTransform(this.lastValues.volume, this.lastValues.pan);

Handle FMS bandwidth check callback. @see http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashmediaserver/articles/dynamicstreamswitching_04.html @see http://www.johncblandii.com/index.php/2007/12/fms-a-quick-fix-for-missing-onbwdone-onfcsubscribe-etc.html

    public function onBWDone() : void {

writeDebug(‘onBWDone: called and ignored’);


NetStream client callback. Invoked when the song is complete.

    public function onPlayStatus(info:Object):void {
      writeDebug('onPlayStatus called with '+info);
      switch(info.code) {
        case "NetStream.Play.Complete":
          writeDebug('Song has finished!');

    public function doIOError(e: IOErrorEvent) : void {
      ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onload", 0); // call onload, assume it failed.

there was a connection drop, a loss of internet connection, or something else wrong. 404 error too.


    public function doAsyncError(e: AsyncErrorEvent) : void {
      writeDebug('asyncError: ' + e.text);

    public function doNetStatus(e: NetStatusEvent) : void {

Handle failures

      if (e.info.code == "NetStream.Failed"
          || e.info.code == "NetStream.Play.FileStructureInvalid"
          || e.info.code == "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound") {

        this.lastNetStatus = e.info.code;
        writeDebug('netStatusEvent: ' + e.info.code);
        this.failed = true;
        ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onfailure", '', e.info.level, e.info.code);

      writeDebug('netStatusEvent: ' + e.info.code);  // KJV we like to see all events

When streaming, Stop is called when buffering stops, not when the stream is actually finished. @see http://www.actionscript.org/forums/archive/index.php3/t-159194.html

      if (e.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") {

        if (!this.useNetstream) {

finished playing this.didFinish = true; // will be reset via JS callback

          writeDebug('calling onfinish for a sound');

reset the sound? Move back to position 0?

          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onfinish");

      } else if (e.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Start" || e.info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty" || e.info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full") {

RTMP case.. We wait for the buffer to fill up before pausing the just-loaded song because only if the buffer is full will the song continue to buffer until the user hits play.

        if (this.serverUrl && e.info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full" && this.pauseOnBufferFull) {
          this.paused = true;
          this.pauseOnBufferFull = false;

Call pause in JS. This will call back to us to pause again, but that should be harmless.

          writeDebug('Pausing on buffer full');
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "'].pause", false);

        var isNetstreamBuffering: Boolean = (e.info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty" || e.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Start");

assume buffering when we start playing, eg. initial load.

        if (isNetstreamBuffering != this.lastValues.isBuffering) {
          this.lastValues.isBuffering = isNetstreamBuffering;
          ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onbufferchange", this.lastValues.isBuffering ? 1 : 0);

We can detect the end of the stream when Play.Stop is called followed by Buffer.Empty. However, if you pause and let the whole song buffer, Buffer.Flush is called followed by Buffer.Empty, so handle that case too.

Ignore this event if we are more than 5 seconds from the end of the song.

        if (e.info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty" && (this.lastNetStatus == 'NetStream.Play.Stop' || this.lastNetStatus == 'NetStream.Buffer.Flush')) {
          if (this.duration && (this.ns.time * 1000) < (this.duration - 5000)) {
            writeDebug('Ignoring Buffer.Empty because this is too early to be the end of the stream! (sID: '+this.sID+', time: '+(this.ns.time*1000)+', duration: '+this.duration+')');
          } else {
            this.finished = true;
            writeDebug('calling onfinish for sound '+this.sID);
            ExternalInterface.call(baseJSObject + "['" + this.sID + "']._onfinish");

        } else if (e.info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty") {

The buffer is empty. Start from the smallest buffer again.

          this.ns.bufferTime = this.bufferTime;

Remember the last NetStatus event

      this.lastNetStatus = e.info.code;

KJV The sound adds some of its own netstatus handlers so we don’t need to do it here.

    public function addNetstreamEvents() : void {
      ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, doAsyncError);
      ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, doNetStatus);
      ns.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, doIOError);

    public function removeNetstreamEvents() : void {
      ns.removeEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, doAsyncError);
      ns.removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, doNetStatus);
      ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, dummyNetStatusHandler);
      ns.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, doIOError);

KJV Stop listening for NetConnection events on the sound

      nc.removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

Prevents possible ‘Unhandled NetStatusEvent’ condition if a sound is being destroyed and interacted with at the same time.

    public function dummyNetStatusHandler(e: NetStatusEvent) : void {

Don’t do anything
