0) This Code is (more or less) based on NeHe's Tutorials. Have a look at http://nehe.gamedev.net 1) What you need to compile this code - I used SharpDevelop, an open-source project, to compile the code. You can download it at http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/Default.aspx - As OpenGL wrapper I used CsGL which is available at csgl.sourceforge.net 1.1) How to set CsGL up in SharpDevelop? - After you've installed both applications, open SharpDevelop - Select File/New/Combine and create a new 'C# Windows-application' - click with the right mouse button on your project-name in the project window (on the left side of the ide) - Select Add/New File and create a new 'empty C# file' - Click with the right mouse button on 'references' in the project window and select 'Add Reference' - Select 'CsGL' from the list Now you ready to use CsGL in your code. (Since I'm using the german version of SharpDevelop menu names might be slightly different) 2) Notes 2.1) This is no 1:1 conversion of NeHe's first lesson. For example, you can't switch to fullscreen with this code. Due to the fact that I haven't really code that much in C# (in fact this is my first try to code something in C#) this code might be crappy as hell. So any comments, questions, improvements and so on are very welcome (also comments on my not perfect english). 2.2) I wasn't able to compile the NeHe examples that comes with the CsGL examples so I tried to figure out how to write OpenGL programs in C# on my own. Therefor this code may be useless to advanced C# progammers... But since NeHe posted in his news that many people asked about .NET code perhaps some people get the idea how to use C# for OpenGL. 2.3) As you can see I'm not sure if this code is usefull for anybody. So, if it is to you, let me know. You can mail me at webmaster@joachimrohde.de Joachim Rohde