MSF for Agile Software Development Visual Studio 2005 Team System logo


Conduct Exploratory Testing

Participating Roles




Entry Criteria

  • A build is ready to be tested for new requirements or bugs.


  • The personas are published on the project portal.



Establish Session Length

  • Set the period of time for the exploratory testing session. This period should be no less than a half an hour and no greater than two hours.
  • Set the goals for the session. Start a session log.


Meet Persona Expectations

  • Select a persona from the set of published personas.
  • Run through the existing functionality to make sure persona expectations are met.


Envision New Goals

  • Examine the challenges the persona faces. If the challenges might be too difficult to overcome, open a new bug or add new scenario or quality of service entries to the scenario list.
  • Make changes to existing scenarios or quality of service requirements and track the changes to appropriately reflect the new understanding.
  • Look for new goals or missing functionality necessary to fulfill the product vision. Add new scenarios or quality of service requirement entries to the scenario list.
  • Look for quality of service concerns and add new quality of service requirements to the quality of service requirement list.

Exit Criteria

New scenario and/or quality of service requirements have been added to reflect the new understanding of the system.

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version 4.1.0