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There is no obvious and unambiguous breakdown of the functions described in the books owing to the numerous and complex relationships between the functions.

It was decided early in the development of the library that it should be constructed as sets of related functions. The numerous cross-references in each book should make it clear to the reader that a function interacts with other functions described in books in the same, or other sets.

Five sets of books are concerned with IT service provision and management the IT infrastructure, three with managing the supporting environmental infrastructure. The rationale for these sets is as follows:

IT service provision and IT infrastructure management sets

Two sets represent the core functions of IT Service Management: Service Support and Service Delivery. These describe the key functions that any IT directorate must cover if it is to provide quality IT services for its customers.

Service Support set
This set covers the related functions which provide stability and flexibility for IT service provision. It deals with identification and recording of the IT configuration, day-to-day communication with users and the control and co-ordination of incidents, problems and changes.

View descriptions of core titles in this set.

Go to Service Support set listings on order form.

Service Delivery set
This set is concerned with the delivery of a quality, cost-effective IT service. ITIL advocates establishing Service Level Agreements between an IT directorate and its customers. Guidance is given on setting up and managing the functions which must be in place to provide the agreed services, such as availability management, capacity management and contingency planning.

No less important, the other sets provide essential guidance on the tasks and skills necessary to bring the core functions into effective operation. Some of the sets relate primarily to the adoption of ITIL practices within particular environments.

View descriptions of core titles in this set.

Go to Service Delivery set listings on order form.

Managers' set
The books are directed at senior IT service managers responsible for a number of functional areas, but are likely to be of general interest to all IT service managers and staff. Managers will find more information about how to organise staff (functions and roles), and plan within the service management area, and how to manage successful relationships with suppliers and customers.

View descriptions of core titles in this set.

Go to Managers' set listings on order form.

Software Support set
This set deals with the need for all members of the IT directorate to work together if the right services are to be provided for the customer. The benefit of involving all those who will be affected at as early a stage as possible is reinforced.

View descriptions of core titles in this set.

Go to Software Support set listings on order form.

Computer Operations set
This set of books is of direct relevance to the computer operations manager and those staff involved in running large computer installations, in particular mainframes and centralised machine rooms.

View descriptions of core titles in this set.

Go to Computer Operations set listings on order form.

Environmental sets

These three sets cover the environmental infrastructure for IT, defined as the building, cabling and service facilities, and the furnishings to support the needs of customers and IT. The environmental set provides guidance on environmental issues which need to be addressed during the planning, implementation and management of IT infrastructure if the provision of quality services is to be realised.

Environmental Strategy set
A single book describing the need for a strategic approach to the installation and maintenance of a cabling infrastructure within new and existing buildings.

Go to Environmental Strategy set listings on order form.

Environmental Management set
Eight books concerned with the provision and management of the accommodation and environmental services to support the IT infrastructure.

Go to Environmental Management set listings on order form.

Office Environment set
Three books giving guidance on providing a supportive working in the office for customers of IT services.

Go to Office Environment set listings on order form.

Business Perspective set
These books assume the perspective of the business manager who manages a business process that is supported by Information Technology. The business manager does not manage the IT Infrastructure. Instead the business manager manages the Service provider that is responsible for managing the IT Infrastructure and the IT service that it supports.

View descriptions of core titles in this set.

Go to Business Perspective set listings on order form.

Business References
Users of the books and philosophy of the ITIL are the most convincing advocates of its value. Look at our Testimonial Page for ITIL users' comments.

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Descriptions of major ITIL titles.

Full listing and order form for ITIL titles.

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