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Service Support set
Service Delivery set
Management set
Computer Operations set
Software Support set
Business Perspective set
Complementary Guidance

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Service Support set

Configuration Management
All aspects of configuration management are covered, including identification and control (in particular, change control) of the components of 'live' IT services (assets), such as hardware, software, documentation and network items. Recording of configuration item status and the relationship between items are described.

ISBN 0 11 330530 3, 77 pages (paperback)
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Help Desk
Provides guidance on creating and operating a help desk to provide an efficient channel of communication between the customer community and the IT provider. The module includes topics such as selecting the right structure, tools and staff, and setting the procedures in place for managing help desk. Emphasis is placed on provision of quality customer support.

ISBN 0 11 330522 2, 76 pages (paperback)
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Problem Management
Takes the incidents identified by the help desk and diagnoses and arranges rectification of the underlying problems. The module gives advice on planning and managing this reactive process and also the proactive process of preventing problems occurring and recurring.

ISBN 0 11 330527 3, 74 pages (paperback)
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Change Management
The management of changes to IT services and the supporting infrastructure, from proposal through to impact assessment, authorisation and building to implementation are covered. A single, co-ordinated change management function is described and recommended, and the benefits are outlined. Without a comprehensive change management system, IT services, and the business that depends upon them, are at risk.

ISBN 0 11 330525 7, 54 pages (paperback)
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Software Control and Distribution
Software, whether developed in-house or by a third party, is a valuable asset without which most businesses cannot function. As such, it needs safeguarding, especially in distributed environments where software may be replicated. This module provides guidance on planning and managing a software control and distribution function which controls, stores, distributes and implements software efficiently and effectively.

ISBN 0 11 330537 0, 64 pages (paperback)
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IT Infrastructure Support Tools
Provides a hierarchy of criteria that may be used to evaluate tools, which support the functions in the Service Support set. It is useful to those procuring such tools when setting out their requirements and in evaluating supplier responses. It will also be helpful to suppliers who wish to provide products to support the Service Support set functions.

ISBN 011 330586 9
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Service Delivery set

Availability Management
Guidance on how to achieve and sustain the IT service availability that customers need to support their business at a justifiable cost. The module focuses on the procedures and systems required to support availability requirements in Service Level Agreements, including specification and monitoring of suppliers' contractual obligations regarding availability.

ISBN 0 11 330551 6, 122 pages (paperback)
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Cost Management for IT Services
Covers both the costing of IT services and charging for their provision. The guidance discusses how to plan and implement a costing system. The management decisions that need to be made before charging for IT services are considered. The module provides a step-by-step guide to identifying and apportioning costs. It is likely to be of interest to customers of IT services to help them understand how charges are derived.

ISBN 0 11 330547 8, 76 pages (paperback)
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Capacity Management
Good capacity management is about no surprises. It will enable an organisation to manage resources in times of crisis and predict the need for additional hardware in advance. The purpose of this module in the IT Infrastructure Library is to provide guidance on how to justify and establish a capacity management function, and the procedures necessary for the planning, implementation and running of that function.

ISBN 0 11 330544 3, 200 pages (paperback)
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Contingency Planning
If it's worth doing, it's worth protecting! This module gives guidance on the plans that are needed to ensure satisfactory levels of IT service can continue and be provided in the event of a disaster, such as fire or flood, affecting the IT infrastructure of an organisation.

ISBN 0 11 330524 9, 64 pages (paperback)
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Service Level Management
Describes the use and management of service level agreements, which formalise the customers' and the IT service group's expectations of the quality of IT services to be provided. Service quality is defined with respect to service availability, reliability, performance, capacity for growth, levels of user support, contingency planning and, optionally, security.

ISBN 0 11 330521 4, 75 pages (paperback)
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Service Delivery Tools

The acquisition and the use of appropriate software tools can have a major influence on the quality of service that an IT directorate can deliver to its customers. However, whilst the benefits to both service provider and customer are real and achievable, choosing amongst the many and varied tools available is itself a difficult, time consuming and skilled task. This book provides a hierarchy of criteria for evaluating tools, which support the functions in the ITIL Service Delivery set. It will help both those buying such tools and also suppliers who wish to provide such products.

ISBN 0 11 330633 4
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Managers' set

Customer Liaison
Effective customer liaison will, in the long-term, enable organisations to achieve a better return on IT investment through the more effective use of IT by customers. Implementing the guidance in this module will help IT services to develop a co-operative partnership with their customers to mutual benefit.

ISBN 0 11 330546 X, 118 pages (paperback)
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Managing Supplier Relationships
This module describes the management of relationships with the suppliers and maintainers of hardware, software, support services, and network items, from the time of first contact with them. It provides guidance on managing the IT service-supplier relationship to ensure products and services are supplied which meet the standards of quality required.

ISBN 0 11 330562 1, 117 pages (paperback)
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Managing Facilities Management
Interest in facilities management remains high. Unfortunately the outsourcing of an existing operation to a new facilities management provider does not guarantee significantly better quality or cheaper IT services. However, if organisations follow the advice given in this module they can have reasonable confidence that quality IT services will be provided.

ISBN 0 11 330526 5, 74 pages (paperback)
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IT Services Organisation
Provides guidance on how IT service management personnel can be most effectively organised by providing a framework of functions, as described in other modules, and by describing interfaces to other parts of the IT directorate. The skills and experience of staff required to manage functions are detailed. The module concentrates on functions rather than staff posts since the latter is greatly influenced by the size of the organisation, although it will indicate which functions can be combined in a single job.

ISBN 0 11 330563 X
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Planning and Control for IT Services
What is the best to effectively plan and control IT service provision and support? This module looks at this subject and links the operational plans for IT services to the business and IS strategic and tactical plans.

ISBN 0 11 330 548 6
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Quality Management
Summarises how an organisation can plan and implement a quality management system for IT service management, with references to all other modules in the IT Infrastructure Library. This module complements and enhances information in the CCTA’s Quality Management Library.

ISBN 0 11 300 555 9
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Computer Operations set

Computer Installation and Acceptance
When installing new computers it is important that organisations satisfy several objectives. They need to ensure that they meet budgets and time scales; satisfy IT requirements in relation to business needs; avoid disrupting existing IT services; protect IT assets; protect the organisation’s rights in the event of conflict with suppliers; avoid the nugatory costs of poorly managed projects; and avoid or reduce risk of failure. This module gives guidance on meeting these objectives to organisations planning for and managing the installation and acceptance of large scale computer equipment for integration into an IT infrastructure.

ISBN 0 11 330556 7
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Computer Operations Management
Covers all aspects of the day to day running of an operations function, including guidance on the planning, implementation and review of the function. It helps solve problems of skill shortages, cost pressures and rapid technological change using a structured approach to operations management.

ISBN 0 11 330539 7
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Third Party and Single Source Maintenance
Guidance to help organisations decide whether to consider Third Party or Single Source Maintenance, by drawing attention to the potential benefits and risks. It also suggests ways to maximise the former and reduce the latter by precise specifications of requirements and effective use of contracts.

ISBN 0 11 330540 0
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Unattended Operating
A checklist of steps is provided for planning and implementing unattended operating. This module outlines the considerable benefits that can be achieved and highlights the enormous potential for increasing IT processing capacity with minimal increases in overheads. Various cost comparisons are detailed which can be used to cost justify unattended operating.

ISBN 0 11 330523 0
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Software Support set

Software Lifecycle Support
The purpose of this module is to provide IT infrastructure management with an understanding of the concept of software lifecycles, and to explain how software cycles can be used to build in good practice for IT infrastructure managers. Additionally, it shows how the lifecycle support processes can improve the quality of the delivered IT services to customers. Information is given on: software lifecycle modelling and task decomposition; planning the infrastructure support for new projects and existing systems; incorporating maintenance requirements into the software development process; and phasing the implementation of new procedures necessary to ensure co-operation between IT infrastructure managers, software developers and customers of IT services.

ISBN 0 11 330559 1
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Testing an IT Service for Operational Use
The aim of the operation testing function is to show an IT service is suitable for operational use. This module provides advice and guidance to senior IT managers and their staff on the planning and implementation of an efficient and effective operational testing functions which will provide customers and IT service management staff with confidence in the quality and reliability of IT services.

ISBN 0 11 330560 5
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Business Perspective set

In Times of Radical Change
Brian Johnson, John Stewart and Rene Van 't Veen.
In today's business environment, most managers realise that their enterprises, and they themselves, are heavily dependent on IT. In Times of Radical Change addresses the issues associated with IT that the business manager may have to deal with in an environment of rapid and radical business when past practices may have to be discontinued. This book will help the manager to position IT to cope with radical business change, and to keep IT running smoothly during the change period.

ISBN 0 11 330687 3, 208 pages (paperback)
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Complementary guidance


Business and Management Skills
A handbook for the IT service management professional.
David Wheeldon.
Guidance and best practice on all the really important business and management skills the IT professional is likely to need are brought together in this one volume that draws on the considerable experience of its author. There are hints and tips based on practical knowledge, and many examples taken directly from the IT Service Management field.

ISBN 0 11 330686 5, 154 pages (paperback)
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An Introduction to IT Infrastructure Planning
An organisation’s IT infrastructure, supporting information systems, plays a vital role in the successful function of its business operations. Planning the IT infrastructure cannot necessarily be delegated as the sole responsibility of the information systems providers. The business managers of the organisation need to be confident that the IT infrastructure built for the organisation will be able to support the business and its changing requirements. This guide introduces the reader to all stages of IT infrastructure planning and identifies issues that need to be addressed to ensure that IT will enable business effectiveness and not constrain it.

ISBN 0 11 330617 2
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IT Service Management Case Studies
A set of ten case studies of interest and value to organisations involved in, or contemplating an approach to IT service management as contained in the IT Infrastructure Library. The case studies have been selected to show how the contributors set about tackling the problems they met when implementing certain elements of IT service management in a live situation, and clearly reflect the different organisations that have prepared them.

ISBN 0 11 330676 8, 166 pages (paperback)
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Network Services Management
Gives guidance on the planning and ongoing management of networks and network services. Good planning, administration and management are keys to ensuring that network services provide the information systems on which organisations depend to meet business needs effectively.

ISBN 0 11 330558 3, 206 pages (paperback)
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IT Infrastructure Library Practices in small IT Units
This book considers the underlying differences between working in small and large units, and offers advice on adopting ITIL guidance and in combining roles to suit small staff numbers. The content sets out to cover the whole range of ITIL as it applies to small units at a high level, concentrating in more detail on aspects which can be constructively adapted to the smaller environment.

ISBN 0 11 330674 1, 110 pages (paperback)
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An Introduction to Business Continuity Management
In both the public and private sectors, a condition for success is that the business should continue to function in the event of fire, flood or other disasters. The discipline that ensures business can continue is called 'business continuity management' (BCM). This volume describes the need for BCM, and outlines the processes involved. It also describes typical management structures for BCM, explains how to establish a BCM initiative and how to generate awareness and commitment.

The guidance draws on practical experience in BCM in both public and private sectors. Application on the guidance will help organisations to carry out BCM in accordance with the new British Standard, BS 7799, entitled A Code of Practice for Information Security Management.

ISBN 0 11 330669 5, 58 pages (paperback)
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A Guide to Business Continuity Management
It is vitally important to the success of any organisation that it can continue to carry on its business without interruption in the event of fire, flood or other disaster. This book provides practitioners with an in-depth BCM implementation guide which is applicable generally to all organisations and business processes.

ISBN 0 11 330675 X, 180 pages (paperback)
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Understanding and Improving
A guide for business managers on all aspects of understanding and improving their organisation's IT infrastructure. Topics include:

  • What is IT Infrastructure Management?

  • What is my role as business manager?

  • Strategy for improving IT.

  • What to measure.

ISBN 0 11 330679 2, 189 pages (paperback)
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Surviving IT Infrastructure Transitions
A guide for business managers offering issues to address and ways of dealing with problems caused by major changes to the IT infrastructure. Includes sections on your role in IT infrastructure applications development and several case studies.

ISBN 0 11 330678 4, 146 pages (paperback)
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