ls [ -l | -a ] [DIRECTORY] LS Usage: ls [OPTION] [DIRECTORY] List information (sorted alphabetically) about the files in DIRECTORY (the current directory by default). -a do not ignore hidden folders -l use a long listing format Long listing format contains more detailed information about files and folders. Column structure: atributes size last_modified name atributes d(directory)|e(executible)|- r(can read)|- w(can write)|- size size of file in bytes last_modifie last modification time of file/folder name name of file/folder Examples: ls List all non-hidden files and folders in current directory. ls -a List all files and folders in current directory. ls -l List all non-hidden files and folder in current directory in long listing format. ls -a -l List all files and folder in current directory in long listing format. ls DIRECTORY List all non-hidden files and folders in DIRECTORY